Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Facing the day.

I chanced upon an old newspaper we used to wrap some stuff in storage. Of course I stopped what I was doing and looked it over, amazed at the changes that have occurred over the years, the ads andwow, the prices!

Turning to the back, I tripped down memory lane. The Sunday Funnies. Comics I haven’t seen for a long time. Strips that my kids don’t recognize. And there, in the middle of the page, a character that I’d forgotten about yet have seen in reality most of my life.
Joe Btfsplk from Dogpatch USA.
Joe was the epitome of bad luck. A dark rain cloud over his head day and night, misfortune followed him everywhere he went and spilled over onto those he was near. I know people just like him.

I’ve noticed him more and more. We are becoming a society filled with negativity. Even when people try to find a way to rise above it, like the proverbial crab bucket the others grab them with claws of woe-is-me and drag them back down.

Over the past few months, I’ve seen both sides up close.
An acquaintance was diagnosed with cancer, a type that while incurable (to date); there are many options and treatments available, along with various changes in diet and some herbal/holistic remedies that offer at least a better quality of life. It’s still in a fairly early stage, so the outlook is measured in years, not months.

On the other hand, there is Nancy. Short term outlook is not good with very few options.

You know what’s coming.

The acquaintance is a miserable human being. The dark cloud grows larger with each day.

In contrast, I wake up to a warm smile and a cheerful good morning. Every day is filled with the joy of being alive. What is more amazing is each day is viewed as gift. Moments of complaining are just wasted minutes.

Why do we ignore the simple lessons of life? I know who I want to be around. I’ve found over the years that I love being around positive people. Oh, we complain about things, but usually the things we complain about were caused or caused by negative people.

I know a little of that ‘dark side’. I suffer from bouts of depression, and I hate it. But, like the old joke about the guy hitting himself in the head with the hammer (it feels so good when I stop) I’ve learned to embrace those infrequent bouts because I know when I get past them how good things really are.

And as I watch and listen to my wife each day, I’ve learned I still have a long way to go.

Each day I pray I can wrap myself in a positive attitude, for both of us. I truly believe that like old Joe, you can have the rain cloud, or with a change in attitude, you get the rainbow.

And at the end, the pot of gold.


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