Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Over 40 years ago, I met George Atkins. Although I do not recall the exact date, the memory of that exact moment comes to the surface often, and that meeting, and subsequent encounters made a huge impact on my life.

George was the first black kid in my class at school, and he was assigned the seat next to mine. George gave me the experience of see racism and prejudice up close and personal.

This was not my first moment to be this associated with a black child. As a “poor white” family, I’d spent many days in the cotton field and as a result I’d had many times of playing in those same fields with several kids, both black and white. Never did my mom or dad say anything negative about the friendships I forged while we were toiling under the hot sun with a hoe or a cotton sack.

In a recent interview with the actor Will Smith, they discuss various rumors about his “involvement” with Scientology. His response was “Fear of other religions means you're questioning your own understanding, and that's just not where I am.” He discusses his Baptist upbringing and his unshakable faith. That gives him the strength to examine other religions without fear of losing his own.

That struck a chord with me. As one of our local radio hosts says about wearing pink, only a very secure man can do that without worry.

I have friends of different religions, different life styles, different skin color and extremely different social and financial ends of the spectrum. While each has a slight influence in my life, none can change my core beliefs.

As Will said, that’s just not where I am.

Today, I’m thankful for George for teaching me that I can overcome racial issues that I have nothing to fear. I’m thankful I’ve been blessed with being able to have such a diverse group of friends in part because I learned to be secure in who I am.

I don’t fear a people, a religion, or lifestyles. Oh, I’m slightly afraid of crazies with weapons but so far I don’t see that confined to any certain group.

Today, I need to get out the axe and work on that beam in my own eye before I say anything about the speck in yours. My hands are full worrying about getting my life “right” without poking my nose in you r business worrying if your living life according to my beliefs.

These past months have taught me that the less hate or prejudice you have in your heart, the more room there is for love, and that I need to spend more time learning to live in His image and less trying to mold you into mine.



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