Sunday, September 21, 2008

A few of my biker friends have stickers on their helmets that say : never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.

According to a survey quoted in Time (,8599,1842179,00.html)
About 55% of Americans believe in Guardian Angels. If you Google “guardian angels” you’ll find hundreds of pages explaining everything from what they are, how the Bible discusses and views them, to people who make $ convincing you that they can “contact” your personal angel.

Buyer Beware!

Over the course of my life, I’ve been very convinced that someone is watching over me, be it a guardian angel or what, I’m not sure, but upon deep examination I am convinced also that it is the Hand of God in someway.

Far too many close calls that were a little to abruptly stopped. A couple of times were I physically patted myself to be sure I was still here. Several traffic mishaps where the oncoming vehicle should not have been able to stop. A 28’ fall from a roof where I landed in the only pile of leaves in the area…no bruises, nothing. A brush with a high-voltage line that never even shocked me…when it should have fried me.
Like the “footprints in the sand” I look back and see many moments where a shield was placed around me.

I can also see the moments when I rode faster that he/she could fly. That resulted in some serious issues. I guess I believe I shouldn’t try to find their limits.
It also makes me question, if I can believe in guardian angels, are there demons assigned to mess with me? Is that why I have some of the little accidents?
Do the angel and demon spend the day trying to get to me first?
Does my faith (or lack thereof) give leverage to one or the other?

Guess I’ll go with the belief that the stronger my faith, the more the demon attacks, but the stronger and more agile the angel.
Balance. Works for me. Besides, the real issue isn’t here and now but later, and there is where I head…with or without angels and demons. And in it all, I give thanks to God for another day to work and play.

But I’ll try to give my angel a rest today and take it slow: As Jack Burton (Big Trouble in Little China) says:

“Never drive faster than you can see”
That ought to cover it.

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