Saturday, September 20, 2008

For the first time, I actually hit writer’s block!

Not because I couldn’t find something to write about, but because no matter what I wrote my thoughts kept coming back to the same subject. Guess I need to get that out of my system so I can move on. Heregoes.

I’m sick and tired of hate. I recently read where a politician referred to those who opposed this person as “haters”. I get dozens of hate-filled emails about politics daily. I’ve received a hate email because I chose to visit a synagogue. I’ve watched and listened as many good people have been slandered because of personal agendas in our city. I’ve heard school children shout hate at individuals on the street (encouraged by adults with them). I’ve witnessed people that I thought were good Godly folks suddenly fill with rage and go into hate filled rants over something small. I’ve seen road rage (while a passenger) and the person driving was someone I admire.

What can I do?

Walk the walk, talk the talk.

Every day I find myself doing a quick once over examination of my actions and principles. No, I’m not up to snuff…that really isn’t the question. I do stop and take a look at what I’ve done and said and tried to figure out what I could do in the future to make myself a better person.

I can be sure that if I’m going to claim to be a person of God that my words and deeds reflect that. Will I fail? Probably. Oh, and those haters will pounce on it and throw it back, but that’s okay. I’m not out to please them.

I remember as a child in the church, how there would be a revival service and folks would stream down to the front to rededicate their lives to the Lord. Even then, I wondered…why don’t we do that every morning?

It’s a new day. Rededicate yourself to becoming a better person.

See you at the next rest stop.

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